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January 24th is Global Belly Laugh Day!

Laugh with us on Zoom - January 24th
10am Pacific | 11am Mountain | 12 noon Central | 1pm Eastern

Register to receive the Zoom link by email.


"Be on Purpose Month"

Let's purposefully, playfully 
laugh every day this month!


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Be the first to 
Discover the Power of Laughter

Reserve your book today.

15 minutes of laughter, 20 Minutes of self-care, 3-step formula, a tale of two sisters, acceptance, accountability, partner, alter ego, effect, Ambassador of Positivity, anger. Annette Goodheart, Anxiety, Anxious, Apothecary, Atomic Habits, attainable, authenticity awareness,
babies, Barry Shore, be yourself, belly laugh, bounce, belly laughs, Benefits of Laughter, biopsy, book writing, boost your immune system,
boost your laughter habit, breast biopsy, BreathLogic, Breathe, breathing games, build you laughter habit, calendar, Cancer,  cardio, cardiovascular,
Care-giver, Care-Givers, catalyst for raising energy, catharsis, celebrate, Celebration, challenges, cheap medicine, child, childlike play, 
choose laughter, Clapping, clowns, come out to play, companion, compassion, compelling, components of laughter yoga session, connect, connect with laughter, Connection, contagious laughter, Coping, course on laughter, Create, creating your own games, creativity, daily  laughter, daily living, De-stress, Declaration of a Laughter Champion, deep survival, delight, Depressed, Depression, deep depression, despair, Development, Diaphragm, discourse on laughter, Discover Laughter, Discover the Power of Laughter, Disney, Dopamine, driver’s seat, Duchenne smile, EGBOK!, elder, Emotion, Emotional, , Emotions, empower, Enda Junkins, Endorphins, Energize, engage, engage in a conversation with a stranger, engaging, Enliven, entertain, Event planning, Everything’s Gonna Be OK, evidence-based, exciting, exercise, exhale, experience, eye contact, eye opening, eyes dance, eyes sparkle flow, Free, frustration, fully present, Fun, Fun holidays, fun homework, Funk, FUNN, Funny, germs,
Get free cards, gift, gift of laughter, giggles, Global Belly Laugh, Day, grab someone and laugh, Gratitude, Grief, grounding, grow laughter, guide, guidebook, HA HA HA, Habits, hand washing, happiness, Happy Health, health benefits, health benefits of laughter, heart, heart expanded, heart health, history, history of laughter, holidays, hope, hospice, hospital, how-to, Human Resources, humor month, identical twin, sisters, identity, illness, immense healing, impactful stories, importance of laughter, improve health, in the moment, inherent goodness, inner child, inspiration, instruct, intentional, intentional laughter, interact, interactive, International Moment of Laughter Day, intimacy, invitation, James Walsh, Jogging, Jogging on the inside, Join the Laughter Movement, jokes, Journey, Joy, joy and sorrow, Joy of Living, Jump-Start, Keep Smiling cards, LAFF, lasting change, Laugh, Laugh Now, Laugh your way to, laugh easily, Laugh Now Cards, laugh Now! cards, laugh on camera, laugh out loud, laugh together, laugh until you cry, laugh with life, laugh with Sarah, Laugh with Us, laugh without, humor, laughing when it
hurts, laughology, Laughter, laughter ambassador, laughter and hope, laughter and relationships, laughter at yourself, laughter breath, stretch Laughter Buddy, laughter call, Laughter Challenge, Laughter Champion, laughter club, laughter coach, laughter cure, laughter drought, laughter exercises, laughter for seniors, laughter games, laughter guru, laughter habit, Laughter habits, laughter heals, Laughter history, Laughter holidays, laughter into my heart, laughter is an instant vacation, laughter is the best medicine, laughter leader, laughter matters, laughter meditation, laughter on the, phone, laughter on Zoom, laughter professionals, laughter reflections, laughter session, laughter transforms, Laughter without humor, laughter yoga, laughter yoga leader, laughter yoga, leader training, life experiences, life is better when you’re laughing, Lonely, long-term, look in the mirror, looking for ways to laugh, love myself, love yourself, lower health care costs, lung capacity, Lungs, Madan Kataria, meaningful medicine, Meditation memorable, Mindfulness miracles, Monday Laughter Call, Monday laughter calls, month of joy,
nervous laughter, no judgment, Norman Cousins, Nurses, Og Mandino, open to laughter, opportunities to laugh, optimism, outlet, overcome challenges, overcome, resistance, Overwhelmed, pandemic, party, patients, permission to laugh, personal development, personal stories, personal stress management, perspective shifting mantra, pivot, plant smiles, Play, Play Buddy, playful, playful laughter, pleasant, poignant moments, 
Portable Positive, positive emotions, positive self-talk, positivity, potential of laughter, power of play, powerful, powerfultools, practical Prescriptions, problem solving, professional laughers, puppies, purposeful, purposeful playful laughter, push you out of your comfort zone, relationship, release tension, research, resentment, resilience, resistance, ripple effect, Sad, Sadness, salesman, Sandwich generation, Scared science of laughter, science/psychology, self-care, self-expression, self-generated laughter, self-help healing, Serotonin, share a laugh, shift perspectives, Sick, Silly, simple, Skipping Smile, smile breathe play, Smile buddy, Smile-ups, Smiling, Social bonding, sparkle, spontaneous laughter, spread joy, spread laughter, squad, Staff training, start laughing now, stimulate, Stress, stress reducing, Take 20, take laughter, seriously, team building, techniques, tension-easer pee, thank, The Alter Ego Effect, The Laughter Coach, The  Laughter Habit, The Laughter Planner, The Power of Laughter, Theories of humor, therapist resource, Therapy, This too shall pass, time to laugh, tips, TLC, TLC - the Laughter Coach, tools, tools for clients, Transform, transformation, transformative, transitions, trauma, trigger laughter, trigger to share, laughter Trust, Tuesday Laughter, Zoom, twin laughter case, study, twin sisters, twins, understanding, uninhibited, Universal Language, unlimited refills, upbeat, upgrade smiles, uplifting, useful, vascular health, very good, very good, yay!, vibrant, vocalize, wash your hands, well-being, well-tested, wellness regimen, why laughter is important, wonderment, Workplace wellness, World Laughter Day, WOW, yippee!,
Zoom Laughter Call

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Did you know you can have less stress, deeper connection,
and enhanced health and joy simply by 
discovering the power of laughter?

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Yes! You can change your life with laughter.

Twin sisters, Sarah Routman and Rachael Siegelman
changed their lives using laughter
and have written a book to help you

Discover the Power 
of Laughter


Laughter is the universal language . . . 

. . . it needs no translation.

The simple act of laughing out loud can:

  • Add joy to your life. 

  • Improve your health.

  • Enhance the lives of those around you.

  • Help ease you through even the most difficult of challenges.


​Did you know?

  • You were born knowing how to laugh.

  • There is some evidence that babies laugh in utero.

  • Even deaf and blind babies laugh.

  • Shared laughter connects people despite their differences.

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Not another book about humor or a book of jokes.

Discover the Power 
of Laughter

teaches you how to create sustained, purposeful, playful laughter —
the kind of laughter that is self-generated and 
has the power to transform your life.

How Laughter Transforms Your Life

Laughter impacts your body and mind in positive ways by:

  • releasing negative emotions

  • raising feel-good endorphins

  • increasing blood flow

  • stimulating muscles and organs

  • bringing you into the present and focusing your attention

  • adding joy to the moment

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Who doesn't want that?!
Reserve Your Copy Today
  • Reserve a copy for yourself


  • Reserve copies for friends and family


  • Laugh with Us (join Sarah and Rachael each week by phone and Zoom)


  • Adopt a Laughter Habit


  • Share Laughter everywhere you go

Give the gift of laughter to

yourself and others!

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Thanks for reserving your book(s)!

Reserve Your Copy
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